I’m entering into a Settlement Agreement with one of my employees. I understand that my employee has to obtain legal advice and I am sure my solicitor will be able to give me a preferential rate. Can I ask my employee to gain legal advice from that solicitor?
The hard and fast answer to this question is ‘no’. Before signing a Settlement Agreement, an employee should not just receive legal advice, but independent legal advice. When talking about independence in this context, it means that the legal advice that a solicitor gives to an employee should not be influenced by any connections he/she may have with the employer. For example, if a solicitor has a business relationship with an employer, the solicitor may feel pressurised into giving advice which may have differed if it had not been for the business relationship. To avoid this situation, the employee should be given the opportunity to use a solicitor of his/her choosing. As such, employers should be aware of this and should not restrict the employee’s choice.