‘Tis the season of consumer rights

The UK spends more at Christmas compared to many other major European countries, with a predicted total of £84.9 billion in 2023 across retail and online platforms.

With such a boost to buying, with promotional offers and seasonal marketing designed to encourage further purchases, the season often brings about confusion regarding consumer rights.

In this article, our consumer rights expert, [NAME], will take a look at consumer rights at Christmas and how shoppers can avoid the sting of misconceptions.

Understanding consumer rights

When it comes down to consumer law, the Consumer Rights Act 2015 (CRA) is the cornerstone legislation.

The Act outlines so-called ‘statutory rights’ that retailers must honour when selling goods to consumers.

It states that goods must be of satisfactory quality, fit for purpose, and as described.

If a product you purchase fails to meet these criteria, you are entitled to a refund, repair, or replacement.

Some of the most common methods of meeting this right are:

The role of Trading Standards

Trading Standards is a local government service that enforces consumer protection legislation.

They ensure that products are safe and that businesses do not mislead consumers with false advertising or unfair terms.

They are also responsible for age-restricted products, ensuring they are not sold to minors.

If you encounter a problem with a faulty product or an unresponsive retailer, Trading Standards can be a valuable resource. While they cannot resolve individual complaints, they can investigate and take action against businesses that breach consumer law.

Giving the gift of knowledge

The following are some of the most common misconceptions when it comes to seasonal shopping. You can avoid undue hassle by understanding these situations.

How you can protect yourself

How can we help?

Navigating consumer rights at one of the busiest shopping periods in the year can be frustrating.

We can provide guidance on your rights as a consumer and help to identify whether a retailer has breached these legal obligations or not.

We can also support you through formal litigation if the issue is complex or has caused you a high degree of distress or other problems.

For more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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